Why does Hubble reach out to your doctor after you place an order?

Congratulations! You've decided to join Hubble's family of happy customers and get affordable contact lenses.
You're inevitably excited to receive your new Hubble contacts, and for a good reason.
Hubble's daily disposable lenses allow for all-day comfort, disposal at the end of your day, a clean, fresh pair every day, and you've spent $1 for your first 60 lenses.
You input your up-to-date prescription, and you're ready to start rocking your new lenses.
But, are you aware that behind the scenes of your exciting purchase, there's a team of dedicated humans that are communicating with your doctor about your order.
That's right! Hubble is diligently working on your behalf with your doctor to make sure we can get you the lenses you desire.
Every wonder why Hubble does this, or the importance this step has in allowing you to get all day crystal clear vision?
Why does Hubble need to speak with your doctor?
Communicating with the prescribing doctor is required by law for all companies that sell contact lenses. This is because those tiny lenses you're placing in your eyes are medical devices.
So, how exactly does this process work?
First, let's start with your eye doctor appointment to obtain an up-to-date prescription.
You finally find a few spare hours in your busy schedule, and instead of taking a much-needed relaxing afternoon off, you responsibly schedule a visit with your eye doctor.
Yeah, adulting is super fun!
You make your way to your doctor's office, wait in a lobby area for a bit, and then go in for your eye exam.
During your eye exam, your doctor accurately sees what your vision correction needs are and composes your prescription that may look like this:
Your doctor may ask you if you have a preferred type of lenses or a favorite brand, or they may recommend lenses based on your vision correction needs, as contact lenses aren't a one-size-fixes-all.
If you've already decided to go with Hubble lenses, you'll need to advise your doctor at your exam so that they can detail that on your prescription.
Side Note: If you want to try on Hubble's lenses at your eye exam, check out Hubble's Find a Doctor Portal to find a Hubble participating doctor near you.
After your eye exam, your doctor is obligated to provide you with a copy of your prescription. But if they don’t offer a copy, feel free to request your prescription from your doctor at any point so long as your prescription is still valid.
Side Note: Prescriptions are generally valid for at least a year unless otherwise specified by your doctor for a precise medical reason.
So, now you've got an up-to-date prescription, and you're ready to start shopping for the perfect lenses by visiting Hubble.
Once you tell Hubble which contact lenses are right for you, you'll input details about your prescription, and Hubble will take it from there.
Side Note: You can always send Hubble a copy of your up-to-date prescription. If you don’t provide Hubble with a prescription, Hubble will reach out to your doctor based on the information you provide when purchasing lenses. Hubble relies on the information you, the customer, and your doctor provide. If you do not provide us with a copy of your prescription, there is a chance that you may order and receive contact lenses other than those you were prescribed.
Hubble then contacts your doctor about your order:
After you place an order, Hubble team members reach out to your doctor with the details you provided. Among other things, Hubble will send your doctor:
- your full name and address
- details about the contact lenses you ordered, including their power, manufacturer, material, base curve, diameter, and
- the date of your order
Here’s what can happen after Hubble communicates with your doctor :
After Hubble reaches out to your doctor, a few things can happen:
- First, your doctor can contact Hubble to confirm that you ordered the right lenses based on your prescription.
- Alternatively, your doctor may inform Hubble that the prescription information you provided is inaccurate, or that your prescription has expired. Your doctor is also supposed to provide Hubble with accurate information about your current prescription. If your doctor informs us that your prescription information is inaccurate or outdated, Hubble cannot fill your order. But don’t worry — if this happens we can help you get the contact lenses you were prescribed, or we may be able to set you up with an online eye exam to get a Hubble prescription.
- Finally, if your doctor does not respond to Hubble within eight business hours, we can assume that your order is good to go. But if your doctor later informs us that your prescription info is inaccurate or outdated, we’ll need to stop sending you Hubble lenses until we can get you a Hubble prescription.
The role of your doctor:
According to Contact Lens Rule, which is the law that applies to contact lens sales, a “prescriber” is anyone permitted under state law to issue prescriptions for contact lenses. This includes ophthalmologists, optometrists, and licensed opticians. For ease, we often lump these categories together and just call them “doctors,”
There are specific rules that prescribers must adhere to, such as:
- Your prescriber must provide you with a copy of your prescription after completing your eye exam. Your prescription can be digitally sent to you as well. The purpose of this requirement is to give you more options. You might want to buy your contact lenses from an online brand like Hubble. Or if you are prescribed a different brand, you might want to shop around to find the best price.
- If your prescription is sent to you digitally, your prescriber must have it available to you for as long as your prescription is valid.
- A prescriber can not ask you to sign any statement confirming you've received your prescription unless they've already given you your prescription.
- Your prescriber must keep a record of your prescription for at least 3 years, along with a signed copy, by you, of the release of the prescription to you. (Again, only after they've provided you with the prescription.)
- Your prescriber must also give your contact lens prescription to anyone designated to act on your behalf, including a contact lens seller (i.e., Hubble), within 40 business hours. This is another way that the Contact Lens Rule encourages people to shop around and get the best prices and services when buying contact lenses.
How prescribers work together with contact lens companies like Hubble:
As we explained above, contact lens sellers like Hubble are required to communicate with your prescriber when you order contact lenses. Your prescriber must advise the seller, Hubble, if there are inaccuracies in the prescription information you provided, or if your prescription is expired. They are also required to correct any inaccuracies and provide a reason if your prescription is not valid.
Your prescriber can not simply tell Hubble (or any other seller) that your prescription is "invalid" or "inaccurate" without also providing an explanation about why it’s invalid or inaccurate and providing updated information.
Your prescriber also can't require you to do any of the following:
- Request you buy contact lenses from them
- Ask you to pay additional fees
- Or ask you to sign a waiver or release
in exchange for a copy of your contact lenses prescription.
Your prescriber also can't disown liability or responsibility for the accuracy of your eye examination.
Why is it important for Hubble to communicate with your doctor?
The importance of communicating with your doctor in regards to your contact lens prescription is more than a law that needs to be adhered to; it's a vital step that keeps your doctor involved.
Contact lenses are medical devices used to correct vision and are placed directly on your eye, a sensitive, fragile, and vital organ, and your doctor is an important part of the process — both when they first write your prescription, and then when you purchase contact lenses from another seller.
Keeping your doctor involved allows them to step in if changes need to be made regarding your prescription so that you can see clearly with your new lenses.
It may seem like a nuisance to wait for Hubble to communicate with your doctor, but the minimal wait time is well worth it.
Hubble wants to make sure every customer is getting the vision correction they need and are happy with their new lenses.
Ready to start wearing fresh lenses?
Okay, so you’ve placed your order, Hubble has communicated with your doctor, and everything is good to go. Your highly anticipated Hubble lenses are now ready to make their grand entrance into your daily life.
You can rest easy knowing that you're about to start seeing clearly without breaking the bank.
Now, what's better than that?
Okay, maybe that much-needed day off you put aside to see your doctor would be better, but it was well worth it to get fresh new lenses.
So, what can you expect once your new lenses are delivered to your doorstep?
If you're a new customer and ordered 30 lenses for $1, you can expect a 100% recyclable package with 15 pairs of lenses that will allow you to see clearly daily.
Another perk is you don't have to worry about remembering to order new lenses when you're running low. After giving you a chance to wear the lenses in your first box, Hubble's subscription service will have fresh lenses arriving on your doorstep every 28 days for $39 plus shipping/handling.
If you'd like to switch your subscription frequency or edit your personal information, not to worry; simply use the email address you provided for your purchase to access Hubble's Customer Portal. You can request an immediate order or delay delivery if you need more lenses or have enough remaining. Depending on your needs, you can also change how often you'd like to receive lenses to 14, 28, 42, or 56 days.
Side Note: Any changes you make will only apply to orders that have not already been shipped.
For existing customers already enjoying Hubble's daily disposable lenses, you can submit your new prescription, modify your subscription frequency, track your orders, and edit your personal information with Hubble's Customer Portal.
Click here if you'd like more information on accessing and utilizing Hubble's Customer Portal.
Hubble wants you to see clearly and comfortably! In addition, our friendly customer service team is available 24/7 to help via chat if you encounter any difficulties.
Get ready to get the vision correction you deserve at a fraction of the cost. There's no need to look back to those costlier days again.